There is a network of different muscles functioning together in order to prepare the backdrop for playing a wind instrument. This network is normal to all wind instruments but depending on the specific type, there can be additional muscles involved.
Muscle of the Orbicularis Oris (i. e. the four muscle tissue in the center) are only set on other muscles, as the surrounding muscles are set on one end on bones and fixed on the other ends at the Orbicularis Oris muscles; for that reason these surrounding muscles are usually in permanent tension during actively playing the instrument (holding/fixing a particular position), while the Orbicularis Oris muscles are in dynamic actions (changing a setting possibly slow or fast).
So that you can increase the basic strength from the muscles the best training is an „intelligent“ combination of isometric/static as well as isotonic/dynamic training, for example:
– start with isometric training
– continue with isotonic/dynamic training
– and finish with isometric exercising.
Isometric means: contract muscle and hold the muscles caught for a certain time (e. g. until you start to feel pain), then relax the muscles; repeat this cycle a certain amount of times (usually 3 periods of 50 contractions is sufficient);
Isotonic implies: contract the muscles and unwind the muscles without hold-on period; repeat this cycle a certain quantity of times (usually 3 by 50-60 contractions with a pause of 30 seconds in the middle).
The lip training basically is the same as the training in a gym – but since the lip muscles are more delicate, it takes much more care. Don’t over do your training!
In order to support the different lip training kinds for wind musicians along with to help adjusting the jaw painlessly, 4i TECH has developed training helps which can be ordered at the online store Musical-Instruments.Online:
– ENDI – the dynamic lip trainer
– ENIS — the isometric lip trainer
– LEX – Lip Penile expander series
– AMANDI – aid for adjusting the lower jaw
While the major function of ENDI is actually dynamic training (, it might also be used for an isometric kind of training. The same holds true for ENIS who’s main function is isometric exercising ( ENIS is designed in such a way that it can be used for dynamic training as well.
The Lip Expanders LEX for Wind Musicians ( ) from 4iTECH allow for the training of the upper and lower lip muscles (especially the Muscle Orbicularis oris) separatly or in simultaneously by stretching and contraction.
AMANDI is an aid for adjusting the lower jaw for brass musicians. The device corrects top teeth of the upper and lower mouth to be in line without any muscle tension ( ).
Like in a gym making it possible to work out your body with different degrees of difficulties, there are different amounts of work outs for your lips also. These levels are in addition to the type of training and therefore apply for isometric training as well as energetic training.
At the end of your workouts it is recommended to perform some dynamic stretching of the lip muscles (I will show more details about dynamic stretching of lips muscles in a separate article), or to enjoy some leisure minutes using a vibration unit like myVIBS from 4iTECH ( ).
Relaxing at the end of the exercises is a must for everybody!
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